
In our class discussion, Team 1 focused in on the concept of Awareness, which I interpreted as our society and generation becoming more aware of what is happening in our world and also being aware of all the different voices and mediums that have been narrating stories for us which we consume through different sources and outlets.

Becoming aware also means to be able to identify "fake" versus legitimate news that we hear and see through the media. By hearing stories through multiple different outlets and sides, we can become more aware and less ignorant towards one side of the story. By realizing that most of the things that we hear now a days through platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, we can educate ourselves more about what is going on in the world.

Another point that I found to be very interesting was when we discussed Propaganda in the media. Propaganda is something that we usually interpret and associate communist parties and countries with as the government and political parties use it to control consumers and force them to follow their guidelines through advertisements that are swayed to focus and benefit one singular point of view. This technique is also seen and used in the United States, we just do not cover or hear about it through the media.

This form of persuasion is seen in the media as a statement that forces emotion and action to be held by the audience. The advertisements and the messages are used to spark a movement based off a personal, business, or political agenda that will disguise its real motives behind some visual form of advertisement that will be used to influence the public. It can also be used through other influential figures that are all promoting one service or message and by having multiple reliable sources behind it, it creates a false narrative that makes the audience believe that it is a trustworthy piece of information
while there is a real motive behind all of it that is not evident or visible to the public.


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