High Exposure

Media Law & Literacy 
The Progressive Era: Week 5 Blog 

The Progressive Era 
Media Law & Literacy: WEEK 5 "Anti-War" or Anti Speech? 

It is devastating to see a country that was once built off of the idea of freedom, equality and access to all sorts of possibilities, become such a distorted and evil driven society that is possessed all by ones own personal gains. 

American was intended to be the country of freedom, where anyone could say whatever was on their mind (in a respectful manner and to a certain degree) and express their hopes, thoughts and ideas with the world and in hopes that they will be heard and respected in return.
Now a days, you have to be careful of what you say, post, read, order, wear, etc. Everything is highly monitored and evaluated in order to be represented in one way and in one way only. There is no such thing as expression anymore, everything has to fit a certain mold in order for it to pass our societies rules and regulations, everything has to be checked up on, monitored and dissected apart so that no part within it can possibly come off as a threat or discriminatory or evil. Everything has to follow the rules of one set of people who decide what we can read, listen, hear and be exposed to, because now a days, too much knowledge is a threat.

Secret website such as the Anti War are made in order to have a freedom of speech forum that journalists can post articles that will never make it to the paper and the publics eyes because it does not fit the regulations that were created in order to "protect us", but in efforts to protect us, they are making us blind and ignorant to the truth. Over protecting someone does now allow them to live to their fullest potential, they are self handicapping consumers from seeing the other side of the world, the information that never makes it to the big screen, the things that are too "evil" to discuss, but they are still happening in the world and closing our eyes and hiding in a closet, ignoring the true raw reality is not going to do anything but create resentful hatred.

The fact of the matter is, we are living in a confusing and twisted society where everything we say is constantly being viewed and consumed by others through the internet. We are "allowed" to post and discuss anything that we want on the big wide web, but only to a certain degree or speed. If we are discussing policy's that our government does not agree with, chances are we will be suppressed
of our own power and liberty and be dismissed since we are expressing values that are not supported by our U.S policy. So, they have created these web forums for anti-war supporters to freely and peacefully converse with others who have that in common in order to generate ideas and feel more connected to those who are expanding their mindset and trying to discover more information that they are protecting us from.


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