The innovation I chose to discuss through the representation of the Diffusion of Innovators Theory is one of the biggest and fastest growing social networking platforms: Instagram.

Instagram was first introduced and experimented in 2012 where it was first created in order to make a platform where users can comment, like and share on their followers feed and photos. It was initially intended to be a simple way to view others content and share memories and photos. But similar to Facebook, it eventually evolved into a platform that is used for influencer marketing and product advertisement since almost every single post is now sponsored or payed for by a brand or company deal.

Instagram grew rapidly and had taken over the competition of Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Pintrest overnight with over 10 million users within their first year and over a billion in a few years later. Instagram was able to design their application for early users because of the simple and easy display and the lack of advancements that were first given to the public through the app. Through time, they have made changes and given users more freedom to be creative while using the app; adding additional functions such as creating stories, videos, polls, questions and multiple photo formatting processes.

Instagram was able to create their influence and dominance over the online world market because of the way that it was advertised at first to be a new way to follow and share content since at this time, Facebook was going a little out of style since the entire feeds had become advertisements for food, funny and political accounts which made it less attractive for users so they had switched over to Instagram which is a far more personal portfolio format for its users.

Some of the negative aspects of this influential app is that their illegal and improper uploading that are made by users and their allegations of censorship; Instagram has also gained critics for how it is used for flaunting and showing off someones best attributions which has led to negative self-esteem and depression among users and later has caused controversy for online bullying schemes.

When Instagram teamed up with their biggest competitor at the time, Facebook, they signed themselves off to a new world of advertising traffic and commercials that users are not thrilled about since they are making themselves into something that users initially ran away from.
As Instagram continues to reinvent themselves and add more and more features and functions to the app, users will slowly loose interest since they are making themselves more intense then we initially wanted or expected out of this app that was once a playful way to share content with family and friends while connecting with celebrities and influencers.


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