The Spiral of Silence

The theory of the Spiral of Silence is something that has been present for centuries that is a psychological leveled theory that shows how people process and change their own beliefs and values in order to conform and fit in with society and the groups social norms. The majority opinion is always the dominate group who hold the most power and pose threats on those who are in the minority group, creating systematic levels within societies and social groups.

This theory and concept is definitely negative since it is a manipulation of dominance that is implied onto those who are not brave, independent or well educated enough to make their own decisions and opinions on certain topics and issues.

This instillation of fear has been used in extreme situations to get individuals to enact in wrongful activities just because a group was already engaging in them. This societal pressure system convinces people to follow the crowd and blend in with everyone else because of the deeply rooting fear that every human being has, which is being un liked, not respected and isolated from the rest of the group. No one ever wants to feel alone, alienated or different from everyone else, there is a negative connotation associated with being a loner and not sharing the same opinions and views as the majority group.

The media definitely has a huge impact on this theory since publications and platforms are constantly generating content that receives subscribes, likes and comments; making us believe that majority of the public agrees with these claims and articles which further convinces us to agree with it because we want to rely on others knowledge and opinions so we do not have to take a risk when we make our own opinions because we fear that we might be wrong and receive consequences.

Once we feel that we are comfortable and on the inside with our given group that we associate with due to our similar values, opinions and beliefs; we begin to judge and give negative titles to those who are on the outside of our group because they do not share the same views and it is a constant cycle where we only believe that our own views are superior and right because we are distant with the ones that do not conform with the group norms. We are harsh and can not see a second side to a perspective because we are constantly told by the majority of our group that we are superior and dominate and it is a domino effect that spirals and continues as fear and power play a role on peoples perceptions and views.


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