Technological Timeline

During class we evaluated and investigated all of the technological tools and resources that have paved the way for our generation of millennial to flourish into the online atmosphere. Through this insight, we examined how one invention turns into a trend or a fade of the year and is quickly replaced and substituted with a newer, highly advanced version that takes over and this continues to happen in a pattern over and over again.  

The topic that I chose to discuss based on the class discussion is the highly active and user friendly social media platform that is Twitter.

Twitter gives anyone and everyone their own personal microphone; 150 characters of free speech that is viewed by their followers or fans. Although Twitter was intended to integrate news and media into one easily convenient way to process online journalisim, it has been transformed into a safe space where users can ramble, create fake news and abuse the platform for cyber bullying and other unhealthy motives.

Politicians have taken advantage of this app by informing their followers about daily updates in a timely fashion so readers do not have to funnel through online News sources in order to find the latest trending topics. The overall goal and idea of Twitter was established in a well notion, but overtime the good intentions have been altered and Twitter is now more of competition between users to see who gets the most likes, followers and favorites on their messages that were once intended to inform
and educate others.


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