Individual Self-Fulfillment

Touching into the 8 values of Free Expression, the one that I felt the most impacted, inspired and compelled by was number 4: Individual Self-Fulfillment (Self-Actualization).

Out of all the freedoms and respects that come along with them, I feel as though during this time period, we owe the most freedom and expression to ourselves in order to create our own self worth, self identity and self perception.

Having a positive ideal self can allow an individual to achieve amazing lengths with their lives when they are self aware of who they are, what they want and what they can accomplish. Self awareness has allowed so many artists, politicians, scientists, motivational speakers and everyday ordinary people to make the most out of their lives which in fact has helped inspire and motivate others to fulfill
and establish a positive sense of self worth, and to further create amazing things within their own lives.

Musicians and artists who were told they were worthless and talentless have been able to continue building themselves up despite a majority of negative influence that surrounded them and have been able to connect with fans and inspire and influence others to be themselves and continue on in their lives.

This freedom is human dignity that allows someone to turn themselves into anything that they want, it is this type of creativity that creates innovations, advancements and changes in our society and our world. If these people were not able to share, express and communicate their message to the world while using their own individual freedom, then we would not have so many of the cultural and social things that we value today.


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