Accountable Activity

Civil War & Reconstruction 

Media Law & Literacy: WEEK 4  

Database of Facebook user phone numbers if offline

Living in a technologically driven era, our entire lives are completely possessed and controlled through our mobile devices as we engage, learn, communicate and advance completley online.

Our society is so dependent on our social networking devices, our online personas, our platforming profiles and our entire lives are all displayed for everyone to watch and judge, without us even being aware of it.

Once you sign up for any new social media account; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Our rights and privacy are already being auctioned to others as all the personal information that we have on our accounts become easily accessible for our friends and families, including strangers. Steeling social media identities have become a huge wave in our generation as people have "cat-fished" others to believe that they are someone who they really are not. Taking someones online persona and identity has caused an uproar in the past as people could easily steal someones name, profile image, and other personal information all through the click of a button.

Facebook's newest privacy scandals have been another new way that people have become exposed and taken advantage of as their rights have been violated and infringed on as we have all been spied on a few times in our lives by simply becoming an internet user. An anonymous database server had been collecting and Facebook users phone numbers and had exposed the gathered data online. Facebook and Instagram have been involved in similar previous scandals and speculations as they have been collecting user information and data for years in order to collect patterns of information and other invasive data.

Facebook has removed the feature that once allowed users to link their phone numbers to their accounts so that their selected and private friends could be able to contact that user. That feature then allowed people to easily look up any number, even if they were not friends with the person, and connect it directly to someones profile, giving them access to information on someone that they did not even have to agree to become friends with.

Instagram's newest business feature which allows small businesses and free agents to easily link their email addresses into their profiles for work and inquires. This too has become a huge privacy issue as people have been receiving inappropriate messages through their personal email accounts. It is extremely
difficult now a days to find a perfect medium, or compromise, between what is enough and useful, and what is simply too much exposure.


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