
The Evolution of Technology & its Impact on Businesses 
Media Law & Literacy: WEEK 7 

Social Media has made it easy for almost ANYONE to become an entrepreneur and business owner. 
Anyone can become involved with the new E-Commerce marketplace world, make an Instagram account, gain followers, and begin selling products right out of their garage. Successful or not, we do not necessarily need a degree anymore to become "self made". Although our education system has installed the belief that we NEED a college education in order to become successful, especially with communications and business, that is slowly becoming false.  

High School students are already dropping out of school and becoming highly advance through internet access and coding process systems and becoming successful right from their own bedroom.

College Students are using their smart phones and devices during their exams and for their presentations that are now completely virtual. We are skyping and online chatting with our professors and advisors rather than going to office hours. We are submitting tests and papers online instead of filling them out on paper during class time.

Marketers at advertising agencies and other businesses do not need to hold conferences and meetings, they can just CC everyone in the office on a mass e
mail chain or in a group message and go over their thoughts and concerns. They can simply make an advertisement through millions of generated apps that they can install within seconds, making their job almost mirrored by the computer program device.


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