Anti Social Club


This iconic visual video displays so many symbolic messages about how absurd our generation and society has become, but it is so natural for us to be connected to our smart phones on a daily basis that it is hard for us to even realized how absurd it looks since we are so accustomed and used to this way of life. 

It is sad that my generation has grown up being so dependent on these pieces of electronic glass to be glued to us constantly no matter what. At weddings we are invested and mesmerized on our smart phones, texting, recording, posting for social media; a wedding is one of the greatest days and events of many peoples lives, and it is becoming just a regular function, removing the amazement of it since we have all been to at least 10 weddings just by watching them online and streaming them on our phones. We are loosing so much experience in life, so many activities, so many connections and tons of relationships are all becoming lost because of how invested we have become in bettering ourselves. But not actually bettering ourselves, we are not going to the gym, reading books, hiking, going on dates, meeting new people; we are bettering our social network platforms.

We are going to the nicest restaurants just to only post an image of our average meal so our peers will see it and have envy over our lavish lifestyles. We are going on hikes in order to have photo shoots for our Instagram grids so that we look more "down to earth on our profiles". We are getting new haircuts so that the guy you are interested in will double tap and "like" your photo, but you will never speak to him in person and say that you actually "like" him. I am victim to this, these are all things that I am guilty of doing and have seen others around me participating in.

The last time that I had went an entire day without my phone was the day of my Grandfathers funeral. It was such an amazing feeling to just enjoy the time and take in the space and atmosphere with the people around me and just remember and feel the entire memory of that day. It felt amazing, until I felt anxious, left out, lost, confused and suddenly brain dead for a moment without having my handheld lifeline that connects me to China and back. It was not even the fact that I did not have possession
of my smart phone, it was more so the fact that everyone else around me had it and I was feeling vulnerable. When someone next to me was scrolling through their phone I would think to myself, "What the hell do I do now? What do I do with my hands? Do I talk to someone? Why cant I think of anything to say?". And thats exactly the issue, we do not know how to survive without one because our entire lives and survival mechanisms have been taught through our phones because we have never lived, experienced, loved, or felt anything on our own, we have never been without our smart phones.


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