Really Real Reality

First Amendment Post 
Media Law & Literacy: WEEK 1

How far can we test our boundaries until it is considered too far?
What are we allowed to say until the point where it offends others?
Why are we allowed to do and say some things over than other things?
Living in an era of likes, posts and statuses we can indirectly overexposed to all things personal at a click of a button. Our lives are all publicized and we are all subjected to view and access the quality of ones life in relation to the way they choose to display it to their followers. Ones life is now equivalent to the amount of likes they receive as more and more people of our generation continue to influence our likes, dislikes and overall beliefs just through posting their own personal preferences. We are now a generation of viewing, rather than living. Relationships are not real anymore and authenticity is extremely hard to find, real human connections are evaporating and while I am writing and pointing out all of these societal
flaws, I am still a part of the overall issue.


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